Polaris and Ursa MinorDate: 8/2001 - Time: 10min on Fuji Superia 800 - I pointed the camera to the northern celestial pole. Took a 10 minute exposure with a 50mm objective. Polaris is situated at +89,15° declination. Too near to the pole, to show his motion in this time. Stars around the pole are visible down to the 10th magnitude.


Orion and Monoceros - Date: 11/ 2001 - Time: 3min on Photo Porst Color Super 400 

- The well-known constellation of Orion and parts of Monoceros can be noticed on this photo. The bright red patch in the sword of Orion is the famous object Messier 42 - the great Orion nebula. The dim red patch on the left side is know as the NGC2237(Rosette nebula).


CygnusDate: 11/2001 - Time: 2min on Photo Porst Color Super 400 - The most famous constellation of the northern summer-milkyway in motion... It is easy to the the "northern cross" in the constellation. The bright star to the left is Deneb. The bright red patch near Deneb is the "North America nebula" or NGC7000 combined with the "Pelican Nebula" (IC5070). Maybe  the most famous largest HII region known in the part of the milkyway. But it's very difficult to see to the unaided eye or even with a teleskope.


Sagitarius - Date: 9/2001- Time: 2min on Fuji Superia 400- This picture was made in Kaernten - the south part of Austria and shows the great constellaion of Sagitarius (The Archer). It is a view to the center of our milkyway. This can be noticed by the bright milkyway-clouds, just above the tree. The constellation is situated so low in the sky, that it will be nearly impossible to see most of this details from the northern parts of Germany. The bright red star in the bright milkyway-cloud is Mars. M24 is the bright cloud on the upper right side. The small patch near Mars is called "Lagoon Nebula". Other visible objects are M18, M20, M22, M23, M25 and M55.


Orion - Date: 1/2002- Time: 5 min on Photo Porst Color Super 400

The picture was done with the help of my observing partner Martin and his 114/500 Newtonian. It was our first sucessfull handguided exposure. Many details like Bernard's Loop, Collinder 69 and 70, M42, NGC2024 and IC434 are visible. On the original exposure, the horsehead nebula, knows as Bernard 33, is also visible as a little dark mark in IC434.


Ursa Major Startrail - Date: 3/2002- Time: 60 min on Kodak Supra 400

This startrail was exposured at Kaernten/Austria, under very favourable sky conditions. The sky was very dark, but the long exposure set the sky-background much brighter than it really was.


Cepheus Startrail - Date: 3/2002- Time: 15? min on Kodak Supra 400

This startrail was exposured at Kaernten/Austria. Cassiopeia is visible to the left, and Cepheus can be seen to the left. In the lower left corner, some clouds are visible, which came down from the mountains, while this image was exposured.



Puppis Startrail - Date: 3/2002- Time: 3 min on Kodak Supra 400

This startrail was exposured at Kaernten/Austria. The south part of Canis Major, and the northern and middle parts of puppis are visible. Some bright stars low above the horizon, are not observeable from my hometown at 52,5° north. E.g the red star Pi Puppis just below the southern stars of Canis Major. There is also a bright galactic nebula visible as a diffuse red patch - this is NGC 2467 in Puppis.

